About us
Horsley u3a is a member of the of the Third Age Trust which looks after all the u3a's in the UK. It provides educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment for those not in work. There are over 870 branches already in the UK with around 300,000 members. Please scroll down for information on volunteers, the committee, membership and the constitution.
Local u3as are charities in their own right and are run entirely by volunteers. They are learning cooperatives which draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership. The teachers learn and the learners teach !

Our committee

Become a memberof Horsley u3a
Horsley u3a membership costs £15 a year, renewable on 1st April each year

Horsley u3a
Horsley u3a was set up in April 2008 and has grown rapidly since inception. The running of the u3a is handled by a volunteer Committee who hold committee meetings six times a year. Horsley u3a is affiliated to the Third Age Trust and has adopted a Constitution based on the Model Constitution prescribed by the Third Age Trust for its affiliate members. Like all u3as we operate as a charity and subject ourselves to charity law. We registered on 17th February 2012 with the Charity Commission as charity number 1145957.