
Pauline Emmel
Rose Butler
Third Monday of each month at 10am. Check details with walk leader in case of last minute changes.
fas fa-envelope

The first Walking Group meets monthly and undertakes country walks of 4 to 5 miles in length. Details of the start point and how to get there are sent out before the walk, together with a reminder of the starting time – usually 9.45am for a prompt start at 10am. Members are invited to come up with suggestions for new walks which they would then lead. There are no specific charges for members beyond their own travelling costs.

Most walks are located within 30 minutes drive of the Horsleys and members are encouraged to car share with each other for environmental and financial reasons, not to mention car parking space.

Walkers are advised to check details with the walk leader close to the event. Last minute changes are always possible due to footpath closures or a change of leader.


As the U3A is a “self-help” group experienced walkers are asked, during the year, to lead a walk of their choice accompanied by someone to act as back marker

Guidance as given by the U3A Walking Adviser is that members should:

  • know their own capabilities and limitations:

  • walk behind the leader and stay with the group at all times;

  • if they have an underlying health problem, to carry with them any medication that may be needed and ensure that a companion or the leader of the walk knows what to do;

  • carry with them a contact name and telephone number in case of emergency

  • wear appropriate walking boots/shoes, wet weather gear or sun hats, as appropriate and carry adequate drinks especially in the warmer weather.  The use of walking sticks is also recommended.

To help walkers comply with the above, the walk leader will advise them of the terrain to be covered, the number of stiles to be climbed as well as a reasonable assessment of the distance and likely ground conditions.