Walking 2
Helen Austin
First Tuesday of the month, starting at about 10am.
Location chosen by each walk's leader.
We walk on the first Tuesday of each month. Most of our walks are in the countryside - often in the Surrey Hills and beyond, by woods, rivers or across fields and open commons and over hills or along the Downs. There is a lot of variety.
Our walks are usually between six and seven miles. With a 10am start, this allows us time to arrive at a pub for lunch and refreshments at the end of the walk. Most walkers stay for lunch but this is optional. We find walk leaders from within the group and any offers to lead are always welcome. The member leading the walk chooses the location of the walk and the pub to be frequented for lunch. The group has 15 members and on average 10-12 come on any one walk. Our numbers are not limited and new members are very welcome.
Guidance as given by the u3a Walking Adviser is that members should:
To help walkers comply with the above, the walk leader will advise them beforehand of the terrain to be covered, the number of stiles to be climbed as well as a reasonable assessment of the distance and likely ground conditions.