To combat the spread of the Covid 19 coronavirus Horsley U3A continues to follow the UK government and NHS guidance, The Third Age Trust is using the national Newsletter to keep members informed of the latest advice.

The UK government has relaxed all restrictions, but is advising caution to limit the risks.

Zoom or other video conferencing formats are still being used and some Activity Groups are going to "hybrid" meetings, this includes the main monthly meetings. 

If you are attending a meeting or event, large or small, in the East Horsley Village Hall, a theatre or concert hall or a similar venue,  the guidance is clear:

  • do not attend if you are unwell.
  • on entering the hall or venue please ensure that hands are sanitised (provided on entry)
  • It is still advidsable to take a lateral flow test particulalrly if you are feeling unwell.

If you are attending a meeting in someone's home you should consider carrying out the same precautions and abide by the wishes of your host.
Those hosting meetings at their home should always be mindful of the need to minimise risks and if necessary discuss with their group what other precautions should be taken.  For example, whether windows/doors should be left open to increase ventilation.